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EKCS wins Best Business Support Team 2023

Written by EKCS | Jul 14, 2023 11:10:17 AM

EKCS won the "Best Business Support Team" award at the Penna SummerFest Awards in 2023.

EKCS has worked with Penna since 2012, supporting them in creative production and digital marketing. Winning "Best Business Support Team" demonstrates how EKCS has supported Penna on ad-hoc projects and one-off marketing campaigns over the year.

Will Walker, EKCS Account Director for Penna, is grateful for the recognition.  He says, "We’ve worked with Penna for over a decade now. Penna goes to great effort to recognise each of their amazing suppliers. We're humbled by Penna selecting us as their Best Business Support Team for 2023."
The Penna team and award winners at the Penna SummerFest Awards in 2023 at County Hall, London. 
Munish Gupta is the production head who works on the Penna account offshore and helps to deliver the very best of EKCS service levels . Over the years, Munish and his team have designed, created, and automated marketing collateral and digital campaigns .

From the beginning

Having tried outsourcing before, one of the major challenges for Penna back in 2012 was finding a trusted partner who understood its ethos and ways of working . EKCS provided:
  • A pool of resources with varied skill sets across print, digital, and video for ad hoc projects and one-off marketing campaigns .
  • Access to Mediaferry, an award-winning end-to-end workflow management system.

The journey with Penna

The offshore team understood Penna’s ethos and ways of working, which enabled projects to be delivered on time and on brand . As Penna evolved from a traditional print-based business to a digitally programmatic technology-based business, EKCS has been on that journey. Today, almost a decade later, Penna has an ongoing partnership with EKCS.
Read our case study to discover how Penna streamlined their creative production and improved ROI. EKCS has been with Penna as their business evolved from print-based to digital. If you want to partner with EKCS as Penna does, contact us at